920MHz及び399.975MHzでのLoRaデータ通信をStore & Forward方式で実現する事をミッションとした超小型実験衛星 MicroOrbiter-1のCritical Design Review(CDR)が3月31日マイクロオービター社と九工大の合同で行われ無事終了いたしました。このCDRに先立ち、衛星のエンジニアリングモデルを使用した振動試験や真空熱試験が実施され満足する結果が得られました。いよいよMicroOrbiter-1が姿を現し、今年度中の完成を目指し最終段階のフライトモデル製作に入って行きます。
Critical Design Review (CDR) of experimental CubeSat MicroOrbiter-1, whose mission is to realize LoRa data satellite communication at 920MHz and 399.975MHz by Store & Forward method, was jointly conducted by Micro Orbiter Inc and Kyushu Institute of Technology on March 31st, 2022. It was completed successfully. Prior to this CDR, vibration and vacuum thermal tests were performed using an engineering model (EM) of the satellite with satisfactory result. We will enter the final stage of flight model production.
Photo shows an engineering model of MicroOrbiter-1, which has just completed radio wave experiments in an anechoic chamber.